Meet Corinne, a passionate and visionary soul who embarked on an extraordinary journey to empower women and mothers through the mystical realms of moonology, astrology and sacred menstruation.

As a mother herself, she understands the chaos and beauty of raising three energetic young boys, and it was this very experience that led her to embark on a life-changing path.

After dedicating 15 years to a successful career, Corinne felt a strong calling to make a profound impact on the lives of women and mothers seeking a deeper connection with the universe. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of celestial bodies and their influence on our daily lives, she courageously listened to the Divine and left behind her corporate life to pursue her calling.

Drawing on her extensive knowledge of moonology and astrology, Corinne founded Mother Moon Mentoring, a company that serves as a guiding light for women and mothers. Through her innovative approach, she assists them in unlocking their own potential, understanding the profound connection with the moon and stars, and embracing the cosmic energies that surround us. With a keen focus on empowering mothers, she helps them unravel the emotional depths of their children by analyzing their unique astrology charts.

Are you ready to redefine yourself?
Are you ready to live your destiny?
Are you ready to recharge your feminine power?
Then let's get started!